21 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba

Winter sun Attention!

Eye prolonged sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays, resulting from exposure to dry air and dust, was kuşkana among the people or have to walk that threatens the eyes of the known pterygium disease winter.
Saying that much of the incidence of the disease during the winter months from Ethyl Dünyagöz Open Hospital. Dr. Melike Ged, "Kuşkana disease or have had to walk pterygium disease known as thickening of the membrane covering the white part of the eye and the cornea (the transparent part of the eye) is a growth by moving on.
Pterygium grows reviewed cause discomfort such as redness and stinging. At the end of their visual impairment changing the smooth surface of the cornea, especially astigmatism causes. Very advanced cases would completely block the vision of the patient in closing the pupil, "he said.

Does Drinking Water Day 2 Litre Really Useful?

Made a new research may reveal that there is no evidence that drinking too much water in terms of health is useful. RealAge doctor from Axel Goetz, on the subject 'in the past that you need more water or lightly yourself findings showing that you are dehydrated heavy fluid loss can help protect against the signs as you feel more tired. However, beyond that you need to hear to get the benefits of liquid is very low. The results do not produce a lot more often than your going to the toilet. 'he says.

In particular, according to this belief, widespread in the 1990s, two liters of water a day is good for skin, loss of weight and helps to eliminate toxins from the body; as well as sufficient water smokers can encounter health problems. Widespread adoption of this myth, rather than when they are thirsty people drink water throughout the day, had referred to circulate the water bottle in hand.

Hidden Sugar What are the symptoms?

Diabetes is mainly the heart, brain, makes destruction in most tissues and organs, including the kidneys and eyes. There are two features of the devastation of the invariant: a slow, but not inside, two stable, showing a persistent and progressive process. Metabolic regulation satisfies the provisions of diabetes blood sugar is not controlled time, more or less makes a lot of damage, but not necessarily.

There are some common problems in the hidden sugar: Belly-abdomen from fat, decrease in good cholesterol, HDL, triglyceride level rise, noting the tendency of uric acid and hypertension is the most important of them. If the hidden sugar in this issue are also accompanied by coronary heart disease and the possibility of getting a heart attack can almost close to frank diabetes rate (the risk that would normally be 1.5-2 times the hidden sugar, in this case can be increased up to four times as diabetes).

Failed Rhinoplasty Psychology of Boz

You want to look more beautiful? So op.dr.emr Ilhan tells the aesthetic nose for you ...

Your biggest savior: Lime and Quince!

During the winter months when the air side of the drugs to fight diseases with smoking as cool herbal teas also helps in the treatment process.

Yeditepe University Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy President Prof. Dr. Erdem Green Island, according to the results of a study published a few years ago comes to mind first mention of cold linden blossom "inflammatory" and "pain-relieving" effect states that demonstrated experimentally that there.

Prof. Dr. Erdem Yeşilada execute some of the components in the lime in the results of different studies (flavonoids), anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects showing some components (mucilage) were neck softening result prevents irritation of the throat and put forward thus colds that help treatment in relieving the symptoms.

Especially during periods of increased risk of colds wonders nature has to offer to make use of the plant will be the most rational approach. No doubt, the primary goal "to develop the disease," in this regard may be useful as a protective immune supporting these types of products.

In case of illness can be utilized in the alleviation of symptoms, as well as basic treatment of this type of product.

A little lime, a little quince, some honey!

Prof. Dr. Erdem Green Island, linden flowers to soften the cold and soothing feeling in the throat and cough in the period in which he says would be beneficial with the quince.

Quince fruit and leaves helps in treatment of cough due to move the components. Especially linden tea prepared with the flavor and makes the increase in both events.

Green Island, quince and lime karşımın to obtain the tea sweetener instead of sugar, if desired, add honey to the would be more appropriate, so that says a cough and other cold symptoms can be more effectively kept under control.

8 Benefits of Okra!

1 includes soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fiber destroys the metabolic toxins. Thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and digestive system and allows the removal of harmful toxins from the body.

2. okra which have a significant impact in preventing ulcer, neutralizes the acids in the digestive tract.

3. protects the retina and would be a great support in the prevention of cataracts.

4.Stres and reducing depression, helps to protect the nervous system.

5. Vitamin K is needed to build strong bones and maintain bone structure. Is an important factor for production of blood clotting proteins.

6. Vitamin C is contained in, it is important to build a strong immune system.

7. iron, calcium, manganese and magnesium containing minerals, such as.

8. You can choose the okra who want to lose weight. Okra, creating a feeling of fullness due to the high amount of fiber content

Determines the Cancer Risk Your Diet!

Common causes of cancer diseases, nutrition comes at the beginning of protection. Adequate and balanced diet that people with heart disease, cancer, bowel problems ranging from gastrointestinal problems are protected from many diseases.

Today, the most common mistakes is to accustom children to sugar and derivatives at an early age. The key to a healthy diet to consume natural foods ...

Fruits & Vegetables

You need to consume at least 5 servings a day. Vitamins taken when consumed as much as possible and cook without soy and mineral content increases. Starting at a young age of the children and the family vegetable eating habits to be an example to children is recommended.


Excessive oil consumption has an impact on cancer development. Due to excessive consumption of butter; leukemia, mouth, esophagus, thyroid, stomach, pancreas, endometrium, prostate, colorectal, is known to increase the risk of cancers such as testis.

Due to excessive consumption of corn oil; colon, stomach, prostate, pancreas, liver, is known to increase the risk of cancers such as lung.

Soybean oil; All the products have entered the content of soy increases the risk of breast cancer. Using genuine extra virgin olive oil on condition that moderation is recommended.

dry Legumes

Cholesterol upgrade for dry beans is a vegetable protein source, running bowels, balancing blood sugar.

Miracle Food Fish And Fruits & Vegetables

Many people lose weight, looking for a miracle foods to be protected from being healthy or cancer. Foods can be described as a miracle fish, vegetable, and fruit. Everyone's week 400 g grilled or steamed, deep-water fish eat to meet the needs of Omega 3; day is recommended to consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.

True False Known About Hypertension

Hypertension, ie, high blood pressure is generally a disease after the age of genetic and 40s. During this period, hypertension seen, 'essential hypertension' takes its name. Reason for the increase in vascular resistance is increased vascular response to high pressure resistance against the heart. In another sense it may be called arteriosclerosis. These patients receive medical treatment. Its issuance If overweight, thus making the organized exercise nutrition is also important.

However, a group of patients with hypertension at an earlier age may face. This is a situation that should be ignored. Causes should be investigated that could underpin a must. The most common cause of secondary hypertension, also called for the renal and hormonal status. Frequent infections of kidney stones, renal vascular disease, abnormal functioning of the adrenal gland hormones, such as thyroid gland can cause many disorders, metabolic syndrome, which causes include diseases of our time.

Metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes or syndrome gradient created him, uric acid elevation, elevation of triglycerides, HDL (good cholesterol) and decrease is the presence of at least three of the conditions such as hypertension. The time after the hypertension seen in women during pregnancy and childbirth. Secondary treatment is performed to cause hypertension. If you start the medication is not enough. Drugs often used lifetime. If the drugs used irregular, sudden rise in blood pressure, and even lead to serious complications that may even lead to brain hemorrhage. In the long term kidney, organs such as the eye would have said deterioration. Heart failure, arrhythmias, such as facilitating the results revealed a heart attack. Healthy diet, exercising whatever reason each is an essential part of treatment.


I let go of my complaint to take medication. I started using drugs, my blood pressure under control means. How do I use if I want to start now to medicines for lifelong medication. Doing drugs side effects, so I do not use. My doctor gave me two different drugs for blood pressure. I have no complaints. I do not use one. I continue to use salt in cooking. How do I use the drug, though, I would continue to smoke. I do not do exercise. I'm taking my medication continuously verify, my blood pressure under control at all times.

When the blood pressure falls below 14 9 be released drugs. Daily blood pressure medication has dropped because it is used, the drug blood pressure rises again when it is disconnected. I take my medication regularly, I ölçtürüy my blood pressure regularly. Began to use blood pressure medication taken under control, but it needs to be constantly monitored. I started using just my medicine, blood pressure prevents damage to the body.

High blood pressure is an insidious disease that can start without complaint. Complaints emerged as the heart, brain, damage to major organs such as kidneys. What if treatment started so late, the harder it is to mix drugs in the body. Medication side effects was doing, and my doctor has changed and now I can not complain. Some blood pressure medicines can have side effects of. Referring physician instead of abandoning treatment in such cases, you must specify your complaint. I stopped using salt in cooking on the advice of my doctor. The salt raises blood pressure by causing retention of body water. Drop in blood pressure by reducing the salt from food can be achieved. I quit smoking. I am doing regular walks every day.

18 Ocak 2015 Pazar


After a while they left out of the marriage of a married couple and a real look at them a little bit of sexual life in marriage killed this situation. Both men and women are falling into the same error, but of course we will try to give you some information about the women of the work we're a female site. If you try to be a little careful sexy certain that you can take yourself back to attention as it used to be your partner and therefore we recommend a few.
Healthy, happy and a regular sex life right to choose your underwear, underwear instead of the standard in the days when you want to look beautiful on your special days and his wife would be appropriate to do a bit more special elections. So although you have to use the power of our country, sold in a variety of interesting underwear lingerie stores possible to meet a little strange. These products will help you to be a little sexy with my personal care.
But not the only way to be sexy underwear. Of women with a confident style, they are known by their fellow more attractive by the opposite sex. Your gaze Therefore, if you change your position and increase your self-confidence to your overall style can give the feeling that you are more attractive to the opposite side, so that you can provide to more sexy detected.,

Allow the monotony brought the marriage between you and unfortunately in the long run to give no room for dialogue with your partner that will finish your flirting excitement. Therefore, by making various gestures while talking with your partner, by making attractive motion and if you can make your relationship by acting as if talking a bit more lively with a new one.
If do to protect your health and fitness as well as certainly not to be forgotten in order to achieve a better view by tightening your body. Uneven distribution of fat if you do sports, you encounter problems such as cellulite will prevent you look sexy and very likely in this case. We are sure that you bring your body through sport that will help you be more stringent than sexy.
You take a shower after sports or make you a nice bath, both your fragrance will allow your body to renew itself. In addition, regular sleep sleeping and religious ones, are among the irregular living people to a variety of search results by more sexy and attractive in themselves, they offer us.


Neem oil, basically is obtained by subtracting the oil of the neem tree is a tree that grows in Africa and Asia, leaves and fruit, and keep the cosmetic insect removal method and is used in many different areas as agriculture. Besides containing neem oil in recent years, the emergence of a variety of cosmetic products sold through this product as a concentrated oil in the form of direct transfer is possible also becoming more and more beautiful.
It contains the minerals as well as oil is very beneficial for the skin and is considered today to be an effective tool in the fight against various skin diseases. Because so many years in India used neem oil, allergies, acne, eczema and treatment offers an effective protection against such diseases and disorders. When you encounter this type of problem you need to do is to take an occasional deformed top of neem fat.
Although bo directly to your skin all the oil is not recommended, you can add a few drops of neem oil into your skin mask will help to feed your skin and even flourish. If you add a condition that basically dead in neem oil to your hair conditioner for your hair exaggeration consisting of leather, you can witness they look brighter and more vibrant.

Regardless of the type of skin that can reveal the positive results of neem oil, although edible or drinkable if you find the neem tree leaves can be prepared as a tea with them. This will help protect you from disease and herbal teas will help you feel more vigorous both for yourself.
If you are looking directly away from the consumption of neem oil, this oil is used in a variety of moisturizers, you can also browse the care gel and shampoo. Do not give the name of this product in order to be as direct advertising but undergoes cosmetic shops and boutiques you can easily find all of these items.
However, this oil should be kept in mind not create miracles in a neglected skin. To achieve best results, you disrupt your daily skin cleansing and care, but also a healthy diet, regular sleep and sport should definitely be part of your life. We wish everyone already plenty of goodies!

13 Ocak 2015 Salı

Hair care should be?

In humans, it is called the hair to bristle tufts on the head. Compared to other makes in our body hair grow faster. Hair of the average growth rate of 0.3 mm per day (millimeters) is between 0.4 mm. With hair once a month 1 1.5 cm (centimeters) extends between.

hair structure

The life of a hair fiber is about 4 years and extends 15 cm per year on average, hair loss reaches a length of 60 cm until the stage. Possible extension of the right and natural hair care hair done. This extension not grow faster, mean reducing the protection of the hair and breakage.

In cases where natural hair care, hair will stay moist and wear with chemicals. Hair is removed by natural methods and increases hair care and life are made as well as if they grow more quickly because it breaks the hair and breaking loss.


Before starting a treatment, must be examined by an expert on the type of hair loss. Many diseases can trigger hormonal and metabolic disorders and nutritional effects hair loss. Never fully realized therapy to eliminate such causes.

Should be considered to cosmetics used to prevent hair loss. Natural olive oil for hair cleaning, almond oil, bay oil use shampoo and soap; hair disorders, dandruff, helps to prevent hair loss. Instead of chemicals found in shampoos pharmacy health products should be preferred.

Finally, it is known in the sodium shampoo shampoos, especially salts should contain, as the salt sodium chloride (NaCl) hair dyes deteriorate the color too quickly. In addition, sodium laureth sulfate shampoo who also available, please note ether sodium laureth sulfate or ammonium laureth sulfate would ruin your hair color is definitely after 5 washes. We should pay attention to the shampoo we use must be in accordance with our hair type,

Hair care should be?

In humans, it is called the hair to bristle tufts on the head. Compared to other makes in our body hair grow faster. Hair of the average growth rate of 0.3 mm per day (millimeters) is between 0.4 mm. With hair once a month 1 1.5 cm (centimeters) extends between.

hair structure

The life of a hair fiber is about 4 years and extends 15 cm per year on average, hair loss reaches a length of 60 cm until the stage. Possible extension of the right and natural hair care hair done. This extension not grow faster, mean reducing the protection of the hair and breakage.

In cases where natural hair care, hair will stay moist and wear with chemicals. Hair is removed by natural methods and increases hair care and life are made as well as if they grow more quickly because it breaks the hair and breaking loss.
Source: http://sacicin.blogspot.com/2013/03/kor-olur-badem-gozlu-olur-kel-olur-srma.html


Before starting a treatment, must be examined by an expert on the type of hair loss. Many diseases can trigger hormonal and metabolic disorders and nutritional effects hair loss. Never fully realized therapy to eliminate such causes.

Should be considered to cosmetics used to prevent hair loss. Natural olive oil for hair cleaning, almond oil, bay oil use shampoo and soap; hair disorders, dandruff, helps to prevent hair loss. Instead of chemicals found in shampoos pharmacy health products should be preferred.

Finally, it is known in the sodium shampoo shampoos, especially salts should contain, as the salt sodium chloride (NaCl) hair dyes deteriorate the color too quickly. In addition, sodium laureth sulfate shampoo who also available, please note ether sodium laureth sulfate or ammonium laureth sulfate would ruin your hair color is definitely after 5 washes. We should pay attention to the shampoo we use must be in accordance with our hair type,

Hair care should be?

In humans, it is called the hair to bristle tufts on the head. Compared to other makes in our body hair grow faster. Hair of the average growth rate of 0.3 mm per day (millimeters) is between 0.4 mm. With hair once a month 1 1.5 cm (centimeters) extends between.

hair structure

The life of a hair fiber is about 4 years and extends 15 cm per year on average, hair loss reaches a length of 60 cm until the stage. Possible extension of the right and natural hair care hair done. This extension not grow faster, mean reducing the protection of the hair and breakage.

In cases where natural hair care, hair will stay moist and wear with chemicals. Hair is removed by natural methods and increases hair care and life are made as well as if they grow more quickly because it breaks the hair and breaking loss.
Source: http://sacicin.blogspot.com/2013/03/kor-olur-badem-gozlu-olur-kel-olur-srma.html


Before starting a treatment, must be examined by an expert on the type of hair loss. Many diseases can trigger hormonal and metabolic disorders and nutritional effects hair loss. Never fully realized therapy to eliminate such causes.

Should be considered to cosmetics used to prevent hair loss. Natural olive oil for hair cleaning, almond oil, bay oil use shampoo and soap; hair disorders, dandruff, helps to prevent hair loss. Instead of chemicals found in shampoos pharmacy health products should be preferred. Source: http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/sa%c3%a7_bak%c4%b1m%c4%b1

Finally, it is known in the sodium shampoo shampoos, especially salts should contain, as the salt sodium chloride (NaCl) hair dyes deteriorate the color too quickly. In addition, sodium laureth sulfate shampoo who also available, please note ether sodium laureth sulfate or ammonium laureth sulfate would ruin your hair color is definitely after 5 washes. We should pay attention to the shampoo we use must be in accordance with our hair type,

Home Lipstick Building

What is the DIY DIY yapacağız.ilk ago today? Do It Yourself DIYer opening yourself that things are bayılıyorum.b to yap.b the DIYer is happy with myself try to make me think more nicely as geliyor.bak Abiliyormuşum diyorum.hal people. Fortunately, you can find more words from the title, such as extended'm on my .Bug suggests that too much kolay. more than 10 minutes from home lipstick yapacağız.gerçek your alıyor.v is the best you can do your lipstick color you want too :) Where blue lipstick?

Let's talk about the material;

1 in the color you want crayon
Moisturizing cream or petroleum jelly
Very little olive oil
Container to put lipstick


We take olive oil into after adding cream and paint koyuyoruz.boya into the bowl after putting one bowl into a small pot of water koyuyoruz.sonr also koyuyoruz.iyi of melted from the heat and rough koyuyoruz.sonra in your lipstick bekletiyoruz.v in the closet until it freezes ready :)

Whether etmeyin.küçük concerned about the Kaaba and somehow take can also use your dispenser enough :) Finished lipstick container :) I little jam box and lipstick container kullandım.iki Is it too fine oldu.zararl she does not hurt if you ask crayons than a lot of things in your home notify your less harmful :) :) I benefit olmuştur.yorum note

We are doing our ripped jeans!

You can tear your bags yourself in 6 stage ...
Ripped jeans craze continues at full speed, and I love this fashion. But I noticed that he does not have any torn jeans beautiful. There is also a esteg of the ripped jeans. Looking at the torn jeans example, you can specify the style you like best.

As for how we can make our own torn jeans ... Surely all of us have some old jeans. Were either bored or models wearing the leg shape has changed. If unable to re-fit jeans just do not offer a solution. We can fit into can make more elegant with old torn jeans or shorts or Bermuda can translate. I prepared the bottom portions of the visual in tears and tried to explain how we can show easily and natural looking. I benefit your business ...


MATERIALS: old jeans, scissors, needles, tweezers


torn kot17

STEP 1: First we cut with scissors mutually 2 tears. Length of cut can be as you want.

STEP 2: Mutual cuts approximately synchronizes he're checking.

STEP 3: We pulls off the needle horizontally with a few white rope. The reason we do this is to uncover the tip of the vertical blue rope.

STEP 4: It's time to use the tweezers. We are the only one enjoying the blue ropes tweezers.

STEP 5: toparlıyoruz rope we removed.

STEP 6: Torn jeans ready for you! Wear good-bye ...

2015 Glamour Women of the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony

Last night, 72 have held, film and television as one of the most prestigious awards of the world's Golden Globe Awards (2015 Golden Globe Awards) held in Beverly Hills found to have a grand ceremony. Before participating in spectacular style racing outfit of the night, I want to share with you ladies winning awards night.

Name which was awarded the best actress award at the drama "Julianne Moore" (Still Alice), musical-Comedy "Amy Adams" (Big Eyes) was. The best help is the actress award for her role in Boyhood "Patricia Arquette" was.

Looking at the series award for best actress award in the drama "Ruth Wilson" (The Affair) is gone. Name award-winning Musical-Comedy "Gina Rodriguez" (Jane The Virgin) was.

Best film award in drama Night "Boyhood", the musical comedy "The Grand Budapest Hotel", while the best TV series drama category "The Affair", in the musical-comedy category "Transparent" was.

If you're wondering awards red carpet dress of the lady you're like me, let's continue to read the article.

Yes, the first name "Julianne Moore" a have a look. "As with wine," one of the very worthy names called me Julianne Moore. Over the years, famous for losing its elegance and beauty of the stars, was among the most fashionable names in the night. Givenchy Couture signature metallic with gray, was dazzling shimmering dress in dark blue tones. The fish-shaped cut dress with halter neckline girl was Julianne Moore reveals the contours of the body. Ombre effect created feather details on the flanks of the dress, the design was making the ordinary. Put in a sleek metallic-looking stance with the clutch and diamond jewelry. Sparkle in kombinlerle would balance the natural hair and natural looking makeup.


Another name Amy Adams awards night lilac joined by Atelier Versace design. One-shoulder outfit, with draped front and tail model Amy Adams was a classic elegance inside. The color of the outfit, was harmonious with Amy Adams's skin and hair color. Amy Adams's blue eyes were a little more color stands out with this outfit. With the wavy hair parted on the side, retro image also exhibits winning actress, was understated but stylish names from the combinat completed with natural make-up.

Our slippers will be new

colorful booties caps

Our manicured nails more beautiful

I prepare delightful refreshments